Handy click decoder" for your iPhone Headset!
Lots of great reviews worldwide... heres a few:
★★★★★ "Very useful - Only took minutes to read all the info but what I learnt was invaluable! Thank you"- by Salocko
★★★★ "Useful - good to have. Information ...organized well. Good app". - by FirstRaindrops
★★★★ "Good to know - Easier than digging through blogs to find this stuff out". -by Chad Richards
Did you realize that those headphones that come in your iPhone or iPod Touch box can do a lot more than just offer portable listening enjoyment?
Through the power of clicking the middle button on your headphones you can control your ipod music, take & receive calls, launch voice control, & more!
This comprehensive list provides you a decoder to:
✔- A complete list of all music click controls
✔- A complete list of all call control clicks
✔- Fun click controls you may not know about... like controlling voice memos & more!
Perfect for the person new to iPhone, but just as beneficial to the power user. Knowing these controls has many helpful uses:
✔- Keeps your iDevice out of view in situations you dont want people to see it.
✔- Helpful to know for inclement weather. No body wants their iPhone to get wet!
✔- Helpful for joggers, walkers, & other exercisers!
Sugar Coded Apps
-Headphone call control functions only work on iPhone 3G or later. Other headphone control functions work on iPod second generation or higher with iOS 3.0 or greater installed.